
Morning Reflection – Mary Lenaburg



Mary Lenaburg married her first (and only) blind date going on 27 years, is a full-time liturgist, and parents one adult son navigating his path on earth and a special needs daughter safely in Heaven. She thanks God for caffeine and chocolate. Mary blogs at Passionate Perseverance .

Morning Keynote – Elizabeth Foss


Elizabeth Foss is a wife, the mother of nine, and a grandmother. She finds the cacophony of big family imperfection to be the perfect place to learn to walk in the unforced rhythms of grace. An award-winning in-print family life columnist for 23 years, she’s been blogging for over a decade at “In the Heart of My Home.” She’s the author of Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home and Small Steps for Catholic Moms. You can read her heart at www.elizabethfoss.com.

Afternoon Breakout #1 on Affiliate Programs- Jenny Ryan

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Jenny Ryan blogs over at Motheringsunshine.com. She married her college sweetheart and swiftly became a mother of five. In addition to blogging around the internet Jenny has authored and produced a children’s book and a mother’s planner. She loves talking and therefore enjoys being a guest on podcasts, speaking to mothers’ groups, and conversing in general.

Afternoon Breakout #2 on Social Media – Rosie Hill from A Blog For My Mom


Afternoon Q & A Panel – featuring  Ginny Sheller


Ginny Sheller-

Ginny Sheller lives in a little old house in Virginia with her husband and eight children. They keep bees, goats, and chickens and rarely have a clean house or a quiet moment. Ginny knits everyday to maintain sanity, and shares her family’s life in words and pictures on her blog, Small Things.

Emcee – Kelly Mantoan


Kelly is a wife, mother to five, special needs parent, blogger and resistant washer of dishes. She’s written and designed a planner, ‘The Best Laid Plans’ for other moms trying to stay organized amongst the chaos,  and a retreat book, ‘A Worthy Reception’ based on Thomas à Kempis’ popular ‘Imitation of Christ’. She enjoys speaking and using her big mouth for something other than yelling at her children. She appreciates when people actually enjoy listening to what she has to say, vs rolling their eyes and stomping off. She blogs at This Ain’t the Lyceum any chance she can get.